Saturday, November 2, 2019

Nogales CBC - 2024

**SATURDAY,  DECEMBER 20, 2025**

PRELIMINARY INFO FROM THE 2024 CBC - This was the 41st annual Nogales count, and thankfully we encountered quite a few more birds and some decent waterholes compared to 2023. For our first time, we actually had a birding party cover Section 22 – Nogales, Mexico. The weather was great, with a cool start and mostly sunny day. 76 people counted this year and the preliminary species count is 158, including four species not previously recorded. Those species were Red-throated Loon, Northern Pygmy Owl, Tennessee Warbler and Monk Parakeet. Other highlights were Costa’s Hummingbird, Violet-crowned Hummingbird, Gray Catbird and Northern Parula, all of which have been recorded 5 or less times in the past 40 years of counting. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (3!), Ladder-backed Woodpecker, Rock Wren, Western Bluebird, White-breasted Nuthatch and Chihuahuan Raven were among the 18 species to be found in record numbers. We also had 7 count-week birds, including a rare Sage Thrasher. Canvasback, Redhead and Canyon Wren were among the most notable misses.
Thanks again to all that helped!

Follow this link for the 2023 National CBC Summary:

The Preliminary 2024 species list is available on the right sidebar ---->

If you are curious about what we have seen since on this count since 1985, averages and number of years we have seen particular species, click on the Historical tab, also to the right ---->
 (It has been updated with the 2023 data now.)

Here is a link to the CBC map:

Tapping on the various map sections with give you a written description and details of what to expect in each sector. More info about this year's count will be added in early December so be sure to check back then.

Thanks to all of you who make this fun day possible!
Bill Lisowsky    <>   (520-987-0187)

Green Kingfisher seen during 2023 CBC