Sector 3: Ash Canyon

Size: 6.51 sq. mi.

GENERAL: This is a long (all-day) and road-less hike. This sector, for safety reasons, should not be done solo.

NOTES : At about  6:30am go to the Patagonia Lake State Park Visitors Center and get a free volunteer pass for your car (or if you can, pick it up the day before).
Then, without delay, leave a car at the cul-de-sac trail head parking area just southeast of the lake spillway. Arrange for a ride to Visitors' center, and be at the Visitors Center by ~6:45am. The park boat will ferry you to the north shore of the lake, at the base of Hangman's Canyon.
From here it is all trail-less, cross-county route-finding of at least 6 miles. (Consult with Matt Brown, as needed for details.) The general route will be determined in advance by the Sector leader and/or compilers, but generally goes up Ash Canyon drainage to George Wise Spring, then to Coal Mine Canyon, then generally southwest to the large cattle tank seen on Google Earth maps, then back to the lake dam and to your vehicle. Exact route and goals are up to the Sector leader. If the sector leader does not plan to cover George Wise Spring and Coal Mine Canyon, inform/coordinate with the sector leader for Sector #2, Morning Star Ranch.                                                                                                                                                              
TARGET  SPECIES: The unexpected?? 2019: "

- Female and immature male Trogons at George Wise Spring, east side bosque near upper end of new cattle exclosure fence"