Sector 18s: Ruby Rd

Size 6.7 sq miles 
GENERAL: Ruby Road, mostly in National Forest. Because of limited parking, perhaps best done on bikes.
  • Suggest starting the day at the bottom of FR222 at GPS 31.395740, -111.035299. Park here and walk north along the obvious track which parallels the wash and Rt 289. Grassland and oak habitat predominates here, with birds present that are largely absent from elsewhere in the sector. Once you have walked along this track (approx 0.5 miles), return to the start and then continue to explore alongside FR222 by foot. Head away from the road along a dirt track which parallels it, until a left turn is reached at GPS 31.393779, -111.034162. Turn left and explore this road until it ends further up a valley (approx 0.5 miles). Return and then continue to explore the oak area across the road which looks like a campground. Return to car once the area has been fully explored.
  • Drive up FR222 towards the sector boundary, stopping along the road in pullouts to look and listen. A good viewpoint is at approximately 31.384055, -111.044284 - this overlooks a ranch in the valley and a scope can reveal birds on the valley floor. Once complete, return to Rt 289 and drive south to a gate opposite Calabasas Group Campground.
  • FR4222 is closed to public access now, with a private sign on the gate and a padlock that prohibits access. We should probably remove reference to this road on the instructions and the map. 
  • The map and instructions to Calarampi tank, opposite Calabasas Group Campground, are good. Road does require high clearance 4WD vehicle. This year, the tank was dry.
  • The shooting range near Cruz Canyon Tank at GPS 31.400639, -111.029328 was being actively used by target shooters when we were there, so we didn’t bird the area at all. If folks want to bird there, we would suggest going there earlier in the day. 
  • Stop at most of the pull-ins along Rt289 and listen/watch - it’s the only way to bird areas just beyond the road due to the fact that the majority of the land is private. 
  • One of the best birding area was along the wash starting at junction of Old Ruby Rd and Rt 289. Park at GPS 31.429107, -110.996495 and walk down the dirt hill to the wash.  Walk along wash - after 0.5 miles there was a Crissal Thrasher apparently holding territory, and after 1 mile there is an excellent group of oaks to watch. Continue to the fence - If the fence is down, you can walk all the way to wisdom tank at GPS 31.410655, -111.011336, which is 1.6 miles from the car parking area. A caution - there is lots of evidence of migrants along this wash, including discarded backpacks, water bottles, clothes, etc, so we would recommend not going along here alone or before daylight.
See on Sector Map: road marked in red on the north side of Ruby Road at the west Circle boundary. Photos below: first is road north from parking spot. Second is tank in valley on same road.
TARGET SPECIES:    Birds of the oak habitat. Also grassland sparrows such as Botteri's, Cassin's and Grasshopper on the FR 222 ridge and in more grassy area along Ruby Road. they breed along the early part of Ruby Road, and may overwinter there. You will need playback, patience and good ears to listen for high-pitched chip notes.