Size: 11.1 sq mi
GENERAL: Mostly residential. Explore with car, and walk some of the more open areas. The area is large and takes time to cover, so two separate parties are usually needed.
NOTES: The area between the frontage road and the interstate can be good for sparrows, kingbirds and hawks. The roads into the subdivisions should be checking and any "woodlot" or grassy field can be good. There are some watering holes on the south end of this section worth checking. The one just north of Calle Agua Fria is interesting but probably needs permission to enter. Check residential areas for plants that may have fruit, like pyracantha bushes if you can do so without invading privacy.
TARGET SPECIES: Watch for any sparrows, particularly Cassin's, Clay-colored and Grasshopper which have been seen nearby. Use Botteri's Sparrow playback in higher grassy hills for these and other grassland sparrows.