Sector 9: Rio Rico SE

Size: 16.1 sq. mi.

GENERAL: Most of this large sector is low-density residential, spread over extensive foothills. There are many desert washes and plenty of vacant desert grassland. Mostly by car, but the opportunity to walk on quiet roads and along washes. High-clearance vehicle helpful, but not essential.

NOTES: From 2018 CBC: "I just followed various roads around, going east as far as I could. This was not far in a lot of cases, as many of the roads were gated off, padlocked, marked ‘no trespassing’, or just in pretty bad shape. ... If I did this area again, I’d like to contact the Sonoita Creek Ranch to see if we could go onto their property, which leads up into the hills towards Patagonia Lake. Also, it would have been better to do the area with 2 people if possible, and even better if one of them had a high clearance vehicle that could traverse those little unmaintained dirt roads that weren’t closed off. I tried a couple, but was afraid I would run into rock trouble with my fairly low clearance.
I thought the size of my sector was just about right. I could have spent a couple more hours and covered it better, ... Next year, I will try to have the entire day open." Be sure to check Calabasas Park and as far down the north side of the river as possible. Perhaps seek permission to enter Sonoita Creek Ranch? If permission has been obtained, check the Guevavi Ranch property (talk to Bill Lisowsky about details).

The remaining time, explore residential areas for bird that may be seeking food in exotic plantings.

TARGET SPECIES: Without compromising residents privacy, check residential shrubs with potential food for birds. Use Botteri's Sparrow playback in higher grassy hills for these and other grassland sparrows.