Sector 20. Nogales International WTP

Size: 3.04 sq. mi.  
GENERAL: The Nogales Waste Treatment Plant , plus low-density residential areas. Some walking, but much stop & go with vehicle.
NOTES: Special permission must be gained in advance. Allison is the contact during the week and Shannon on weekends. From Jim Lockwood after 2018 CBC: "I contact the personnel at the plant usually by email. Unless there is a change in their plans about not permitting birders on the property, I feel we should not be encouraging birders in general to try and get permission. It is still a good site, but due to water processing changes it is not the great site it used to be. I would hate to see us lose the site for area bird counts."
The Nogales Waste Treatment Plant habitat is a mix of wet and dry ponds. The northern end of the WTP used to have a marsh, but this habitat is now often dry. Unless there has been a lot of rain, there is really only one pond left and sometimes there not much water in it.
The area behind the WTP and the river bed is accessible from the end of Placito Gitano. (There is a dirt track that continues after the end of the pavement.) The latter should be explored.
Residential areas should be checked for birds in exotic plantings. All ponds should be checked, hopefully early in the day and again late afternoon. 
TARGET BIRDS:  Cassin's Kingbird is expected on fences. Species variety and numbers will be dependent on how much water/wetlands are available in any given year. The properties along the frontage road are hit and miss depending on grasses, water, and time of day.